Ross Buckland Bio

Ross Buckland Profile Picture

(Canadian, b. 1958)

Ross Buckland was born in Calgary in 1958 and was fortunate in having experienced air travel at an early age. An infatuation with flying developed which, along with a habit of doodling on schoolbooks, led to attempts at aviation art.

With no formal art training except for high school art classes, Ross learned by studying the work of artists whose paintings he liked. Books and magazines featuring the work of Frank Wootton, Keith Ferris, R.G. Smith and others became his text books. “Their books remain as valuable treasures to me and I still refer to them often.”

Many years later, and with expanding subject matter, the learning continues. Still inspired by many predecessors and current favorites, and with an unending desire to learn, an individual style continues to evolve while striving to express an appreciation and love of aviation, wildlife and the landscape.

Now living in Toronto, Ross and his wife Marlen enjoy traveling, flying and spending time with family and friends as much as they can.